Fellowship, Scholarships & Grant
- 2025: Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Oxford, England.
- 2023: Travel Grant for attending CWI autumn School, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- 2021: CEMPI LABEX Fellowship for pursuing masters (Fully-funded), France.
- 2018: SAARC Nation scholarship for pursuing masters (Fully-funded), India.
- 2017: SAARC Nation scholarship for pursuing masters (Fully-funded), India.
Invited talks
- 2024: Knowledge guided machine learning bridge program AAAI, Vancouver, Canada on “Neural ODEs for generalization of machine learning” (lightining talk).
- 2024: Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence systems Institute, Eindhoven, The Netherlands on “Tackling generalization issues in scientific machine learning”.
- 2024: CRUNCH Seminar Brown University on “Neural oscillators for generalization of physics-informed machine learning”.
- 2023: Railway Colloquium, TU Delft, The Netherlands on “Predicting traction return current in electric railway systems through physics-informed neural networks”.
Contributed talks
- 2024: Workshop on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science, TU Delft, “Enhancing Generalization in Physics-Informed Machine Learning with Neural Oscillators “.
- 2023: Eurodyn Conference, TU Delft, The Netherlands on “Physics-informed machine learning for moving load problems”.
- 2023: IEEE SSCI Conference, Singapore, on “Predicting traction return current in electric railway systems through physics-informed neural networks”.